genre: comedy,sci-fi
genre convention: an alien, alien spaceship
conventions of the form: names of the actors and the title and the release date and a slogan
describe mise en scene: they look like every normal people and small.
symbols: the A in the title look like a Alien
6. picture of them self's in it.
layout: the title is big to see the little alien face in it and it has the three main people in it.
typeface: he find it has a alien face in it.
visual camera techniques: birds eye view
messages in the poster: both
intended audience: people that like sci-fi and people that like Simon pegg and Nick frost and people that like hot fuzz.
persuasive techniques: there Simon Pegg and Nick frost and an alien it will be a comedy.
USP: The Alien and the (from the producers of Hot Fuzz)
expert witness: it no expert witness
pleasures: it will be sci-fi and comedy in it
attention gained: it a picture of them selfs and it a picture of a alien in the title of the film
tagline works: the tragline works a old sci-fi movie.